Online health programs

Work towards your health goals from the comfort of your own home.

This option is great for the person who can not commit to 1:1 consultations and the financial component of that service. Instead you can choose to purchase a general health program for your desired health condition for a one time payment that you will have lifetime access too. This means you can start when you are ready and follow along at your own pace.

High-quality video

Some topics are best explained with video. These will be pre-recorded so you can listen to them time and time again.

Please note not all programs will include video.

Whats included

Helpful resource links & supplement recommendations

Each program, we make sure to provide you with a list of helpful online resources to continue exploring what you’ve learned.

Sometimes our bodies need a helping hand to begin the healing process and supplementation can be very effective. A list of recommended products will be included that you can choose to purchase if you wish,

Education and treatment

Throughout the programs, we’ll breakdown possible causes and the driving factors to the health ailment. This may include the pathophysiology of a condition followed by treatment interventions to help you heal. This will mostly be dietary and lifestyle interventions but may include recommendations for alternative therapies such as massage/acupuncture and herbal and nutritional supplementation.

Browse health programs

Coming soon….


1-on-1 Consultations