Jayde Currie

Degree qualified naturopath, podcaster, creative, potter in the making, wife, mother, beach lover, matcha obsessed, educator and a believer that herbal medicine is the future.


I am so glad you are here. If you are here, that means you are wanting to know more, take charge of your health and make your life the best it can be - after all, all we really have in this life is our health and our time.

As you’ve probably already read, I hold a bachelor of health science degree in Naturopathy (Na-tur-opathy). Its the highest qualification for Natural medicine in Australia and in the UK!

If you are still not sure what a naturopath is, you can read all about it here.

My story

Well my story is probably like you and many others. I had had enough of being dismissed by general practitioners and not being seen or heard by them.

I was living in New Zealand and had a really really sore throat (Think Tonsillitis type sore). I went to the GP who spent less then 10 minutes with me and told me I “just had a sore throat”, charged me $110 and sent me on my way. I was furious. I knew that I didn’t “just have a sore throat” and I was also furious I was out of pocket $110 for NOTHING. So i went to the naturopath. I can’t exactly remember how I knew what a naturopath was. I had never seen one before. I think I must have googled it and it sounded cool so I thought I would try it out. I went to see her, she had a look and instantly reassured me that I did in fact have a throat infection. She made me my own personalised herbal medicine (literally plants in liquid form) and instructed me on how to take it. Within the first hour of having 5ml of my medicine I could already feel my body healing and the pain was reducing. In 24 hours it was almost gone. I knew in that moment, the way I viewed healthcare changed forever and I also knew that I had to tell as many people as I could that THIS is real medicine.

Not long after that I enrolled to study my degree. Five years later, 3 countries, a wedding, a baby, a pandemic and a lot of assignments and tears later, I graduated top of my cohort.

At this stage I love treating anything and everything. I do have a keen interest in how natural medicine can support mental health in particular schizophrenia and ADHD but we have a saying in Naturopathy and that is the right clients will find you. So i remain open and welcome anyone near and far to work with me to better their health together.

So what can you expect when having a consultation with me?

The first consultation always runs between 60-90 minutes. We take a very thorough health history, starting from when and how you were born! It may not seem relevant to you but it gives me some very important insight on how you started life. Vaginal or C-section birth, breast or bottle fed, childhood sickness, it all matters!

After our session, depending on your needs, budget and health priorities, I may request further functional and conventional pathology testing. Then, considering your results, current deficiencies, intolerances, epigenetics, organ system functions and other metabolic markers I will formulate a personally tailored treatment plan. Some times I might need to go away and research about your condition a little more, and this may take some time.

Once you receive your treatment - we will have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks to assess and ensure we are moving in the right direction. When you are working to find the ROOT cause of an illness, it may take some months, trial and error and consistency to start seeing results. Every single body is different and no two treatments are ever the same. That is what makes Naturopathy so incredible but you must be patient and willing to do the work.


  • Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) - Naturopathic Doctor (ND)

  • General council of registered naturopaths - Member

Special interests

  • Women’s health and hormones

  • Children’s health & conditions

  • Acute conditions

  • Epilepsy

  • Acne and all skin conditions

  • Mental health

  • ADHD and neurodivergence

  • Immunity and autoimmunity

  • Thyroid

  • Digestive and gastrointestinal

  • Energy, burnout and sleep

  • Pre/post partum

  • Fertility for both men and woman

  • Musculoskeletal - arthritis, fibromyalgia


As I am returning from maternity leave and learning how to balance mum/work life I am currently offering Saturday appointments only. I am based in Arisaig, Scotland and can arrange to see clients face to face locally and also offer telehealth appointments for anyone on the surrounding islands and the whole of Scotland. Treatment plans can be send via post or email and herbal medicines are sent via post.